"WACHA UMAMA?" Women are responsible for all the beauty we see. If it were not for them, we all would be MIA. Of course men are also players in this sector but women are the major players of the industry. Mostly when a man wrongs, he is mainly told wacha umama by fellow men . Our first ladies are good examples of women, take for instance Mrs. Kenyatta, she is a force to reckon with no doubt. She works with all communities to bring about development and positive growth. Closely in tow is the second lady, Mr. Ruto, she also works with all the communities to ensure women are financially empowered. Many other first ladies in the country are following these footsteps. Watch this space Women are often taken to be cowards but they are the bravest and the strongest people alive. Unlike men women don't fight using fists, they use their brains hence the phrase wacha umama. Looking at the country's leadership now, m...