LEARNING THE HARD WAY Consider this two scenarios, one mother is always by her child's side. She ensures that the child has all he needs, when other children pick up a fight with him, the mother comes to his aid. Another mother keeps watch of her baby but is not always by his side. At times she leaves him alone in the house but she still observes his every move just in case he starts a fire. When the boy picks up a fight with other boys, the mother doesn't intervene unless it gets bad. She leaves the boy to stand up for himself. As the two boys grow up, you'll notice the first boy can hardly do anything on his own while the other boy will be a daring one, one who makes things happen. My mother used to tell us not to do bad stuff, she would spell out the dangers of doing so and the circumstances to be faced if we fail to observe the rule. She would then say that a toddler can't learn how to walk unless he/she falls a couple of times. She would then give us a...