THE MONSTER THAT NEVER IS A few days ago I did something really bad to somebody. I felt so bad I wasted a whole day thinking about it. It was certainly not a comfortable day for me. To most people owning up to our mistakes and saying sorry is a real challenge. You do something to someone, you avoid him/her for a while then you come back and talk to him as if nothing happened. I tried to apply that trick but I could not avoid the person in question. Every place I went to he happened to be there and we collided, I dodged him the first and second time but still we kept colliding and I had to do something. I put on my sorry face and apologized, I don't really know what I said but surprisingly he was not hostile as I had anticipated. He went like "Ooh! That, you don't have to be sorry mistakes happen." really I never expected it. I had mustered all my strength to apologize and he says I shouldn't be sorry. Anyway after tha...