KNOW YOUR PREFERENCE You don't have to agree to everything I write here, but you can agree to some. We are all influenced by the people we hang around with, the things we watch, the things read, hear and see. By reading some of the things I write here, one might think am flawless, it's obvious am not. In fact at times I write to condemn myself, it's the best way to reprove myself. We should do things because we see the sense in them and not just because someone famous said so. Richard and Roy were great friends, Richard was tall while Roy was a dwarf, but the two had so much in common. One day they decided to go and buy chairs for themselves. As they were going round the shop, Richard saw a nice reclining chair and suggested it to Roy. Richard told him how the chair was comfortable and affordable. The two friends bought the same chairs and went home. When Roy wanted to sit on his chair, he noticed that it was too hi...