THE NEW SERIAL KILLER The first lady initiated a great initiative to save mothers and the babies to be born but sadly her efforts are going to waste despite her efforts to see the project as a success. Last year a friend of mine lost her baby after she delivered in a hospital, that same year my sister's friend lost her friend and her baby during delivery in hospital. This year actually last month my other sister lost her best friend after she delivered a healthy baby boy. She was to be injected a certain drug by the doctor but apparently the doctor was not in so some nurse came and did the job, the next thing we heard, was that she was dead. I always try to imagine the pain and confusion that surrounds the father of the baby and other people close to the deceased who die after producing life especially if it's due to a doctor's negligence. Are we as women supposed to go to India to give birth for safe delivery? I...
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MY NEW YEARS RESOLUTION IS......... Why do we wait for a new year to make resolutions? I've never gotten it. The year of favour, the year of greatness, do such things exist? I am not against anyone here. Here's what i think, blessings, favour, greatness, are things that are always there, they don't wait for a new year. It is just a matter of us tapping them. My friend was full of excitement the other day, reason being a celebrity asked for a selfie with her. She had expected the opposite, her to go to him and not the other way round. I never saw how the excitement came about, of course my friend is great, full of potential, and she radiates it everywhere she goes. I believe I always have great people around me and whoever meets me is great. We should never wait for people to remind us how blessed or how great we are, it's something that is already written. At the beginning of this ...
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THOSE WHO START A FIRE.............. Those who start a fire are not the ones who necessarily put it out. One thing I know about most boys is that their rooms can look like a store, dirty clothes spread on the floor, cups, spoons, car dolls on the bed, books strewn all over the place. When Lisa was growing up, her brothers room used to earn her money at times. The boys would wait until their mum would start yelling for them to start blaming each other for messing up the room, then later on, they would clean it up, but they never did it alone, at times Lisa sisters would be hired to do the job, then later on mum would come and give the boys a credit. The boys used to wait until their mum got angry for them to act, and when she was angry, the house was never a nice place. So Lisa knew that if she cleaned up the room earlier, the tension won't be there and everyone would be happy. And it was so. We alwa...
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LEARNING THE HARD WAY Consider this two scenarios, one mother is always by her child's side. She ensures that the child has all he needs, when other children pick up a fight with him, the mother comes to his aid. Another mother keeps watch of her baby but is not always by his side. At times she leaves him alone in the house but she still observes his every move just in case he starts a fire. When the boy picks up a fight with other boys, the mother doesn't intervene unless it gets bad. She leaves the boy to stand up for himself. As the two boys grow up, you'll notice the first boy can hardly do anything on his own while the other boy will be a daring one, one who makes things happen. My mother used to tell us not to do bad stuff, she would spell out the dangers of doing so and the circumstances to be faced if we fail to observe the rule. She would then say that a toddler can't learn how to walk unless he/she falls a couple of times. She would then give us a...
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KNOW YOUR PREFERENCE You don't have to agree to everything I write here, but you can agree to some. We are all influenced by the people we hang around with, the things we watch, the things read, hear and see. By reading some of the things I write here, one might think am flawless, it's obvious am not. In fact at times I write to condemn myself, it's the best way to reprove myself. We should do things because we see the sense in them and not just because someone famous said so. Richard and Roy were great friends, Richard was tall while Roy was a dwarf, but the two had so much in common. One day they decided to go and buy chairs for themselves. As they were going round the shop, Richard saw a nice reclining chair and suggested it to Roy. Richard told him how the chair was comfortable and affordable. The two friends bought the same chairs and went home. When Roy wanted to sit on his chair, he noticed that it was too hi...
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DON'T PITY ME, I DON'T DO THAT TO MYSELF EITHER Some people like pitying themselves, thinking they would be sympathized with. What do they get in return instead? People look down on them. My sister used to tell me this, "Not everybody will like you and you will probably not like everybody." Never be afraid of being you. We are all born unique and we should see ourselves so regardless. The premiere of Mr. and Miss albinism is here and we have a courageous list of participants were are a source of encouragement to the others. One of them is miss Loise Lihanda, she stands out of the crowd. The most jovial person you'll come across. This is what she had to say about herself. "I am Loise, I love the Lord and am a person with albinism, I love reading and signing and I would like to be miss albinism and change the lives of people like me and give them the courage to act on their dreams and make them feel normal and do what others ...
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SUCCESS IS...... To one Jackson Righa Mwanduka, success is seeing people in the eyes of God and wanting the best from others. He is a fourth year student taking on Film and animation, besides that he is a photographer, designer and owns his own company, which is a year, two moths and some days old. Testify Africa. Testify highlights various powerful testimonies by different people. Most of us are familiar with the Testify Tuesdays on social media. The company also helps in publishing books for those who are unable to do so. And where exactly does these money come from? The money mainly comes from his other activities like designing business cards, brochures, posters and so on. He also earns on photo shoots and orders he gets on t-shirts and cool jumpers, although he's not the one working on the clothing, the connections he makes, get money into his pocket. One of the qualities that makes him stand out is his love for God and th...