REGRETS FREE People are good at making us feel sorry for the mistakes we make. Simple mistakes will be blown out of proportion. Some make us remember our mistakes for the rest of our lives. We are all human. But do we really have to regret at some things? Before regretting we should evaluate ourselves and see what made us come up with the decisions we made. And that is why when people give your advice, they remind you to make your own choice so that you don't start pointing fingers at them when things go wrong. Regrets make us look ugly, it makes us stagnate, it makes us live in the past instead of the present. regrets look- a-like we can never be right with everybody, we should be daring enough to make our own choices no matter how risky they may seem as long as your conscience is clear and you know what you are doing is right. Another thing that makes you not regret is doing t...