Why do gays and lesbians become so? Why are prostitutes prostitutes? Why are thieves thieves? They always say there is a reason behind everything.
I know of thieves and prostitutes who become so just for the fun of it but I don't know much about gay and lesbians. It is hard to understand how one becomes gay for fun. It is said that such people have very different experiences regarding their sexual orientation.
Is it a disease that has a cure? Is it something that people do willingly? Would we as Africans embrace this union if it would have not been known in other continents?
people have and are coming out to say openly that they aren't straight when Binyavanga Wainaina (Kenya author and winner of Caine Prize 2014) confessed that he was homosexual, I hated him, despite him being one of my favourites. I thought evil of him but after evaluating my hate for him and hearing the stupid things his state made him do and the way some feeling came like a bout of Malaria and makes him shake, I changed my mind and honestly I don't know my stance on this topic.One thing I know for sure is that it is not right.
Instead of condemning such people, ways to help them should be devised, perhaps some sort of a rehabilitation or something. For now live and let live.
I would really want to see your reactions on this one. Please leave a comment. #sharingiscaring.
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