People incur losses everyday. There was this widow who had all her lifetime savings invested on the real estate business, she went and brought a piece of land and quickly started building. The flat had over fifty houses. The woman was sure to earn good money, her children were to go to nice schools and have a good life. But even before she could get tenants, the land on which her land was was said to be the property of the Kenya Building Society, and they were in the process of continuing building phase five of the estate adjacent to the land. The women did everything she could to fight the order to have her building demolished but one day she woke up to find all her life savings gone.
    The woman fainted, never to revive again.  People incur great loss over fire, accidents and such and recently some people threatened to commit suicide when Chase Bank was put under receivership.  
    A while ago my mother lost a very valuable item, it was something she cherished so much but what surprised me was that she seemed not bothered by it, I expected her to get all emotional and sentimental with it but she was least bothered. When I inquired of it, she simply said, "The biggest loss to me is the loss of a loved one."


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