A friend recently come complaining that her boyfriend was addicted to the PlayStation. I tried to console her by telling her that boys will always be boys but she seemed more irritated and walked away. Too bad, I guess am not good at consoling. 
    We have numerous such men, I recently bumped into two others who were busy playing Fifa and they were not small boys. They were so loud, one stood and jumped up, took his phone, a smart phone for that matter and almost banged it down. Us ladies will quickly describe such actions as

childish. But men are said to be adventurous. Have you ever asked yourself why men are the majority when it comes to inventions? 
    Men see through the impossible just like little children , who know everything is possible. They will climb up the most dangerous of places with no worry of any danger. They will make food out of sand knowing nothing bad will happen to them. They even play with snakes oblivious of the lurking danger. We never know maybe as they manoeuvre the ball through their opponents, its like those big investments in their minds which are their goals. So next time you see such scenarios, join the cheering squad.   


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